9:40 AM Prayer Time • 10:00 AM Worship Service • 11:00 AM Fellowship • 9:00 & 11:00 AM Adult  Sunday School

Connecting people to Jesus.

Next Sunday

August 4, 2024

Camp Mack Sunday – Our morning worship service will be at Camp Mack at 10:00am. Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Message: “The Gospel According to Calvin and Hobbes.”  On three different occasions Calvin’s dad drags the whole family to an island for their annual camping adventure.  He can hardly wait.  Mom is fully prepared to be miserable.  And Calvin, despite his initial enthusiasm, quickly figures out that camping is highly overrated.  Yet when we are pushed out of our comfort zone – as happens in our camping programs at Camp Mack and elsewhere – lives are changed in a way that a year’s worth of sermons can’t compete with.  We are preparing to go beyond our comfort zones as the Body of Christ, as major paradigm shifts lead us into new territory.  We do this together, with each other, and with God.